Thursday, April 24, 2008

The "How To" for Ru'Aun Gardens

I decided to post a Map marked with areas of interest so that people have some idea of where to go and where they are currently located. Sure everyone could go ahead and visit or but that would make them slightly intelligent. So I'm posting this for those who do not know how to utilize these sites. I've marked in colored dots areas such as Despot, Kirin, and Faust area entrances and or camp areas. Marked on the left is they key for each of these key points. Since the map doesn't do much explaining about the general area and what to expect, I'll address that a little further on.

Important Note: I did not however mark locations of the Pincherstone to open the teleports in between islands. Locating these is fairly simple and is VERY easy to remember. If you have touched or even seen a Picherstone at least twice and still do not know how to correctly use one to its corresponding teleport, please close this window log onto FF and select "Delete Character"

All ranting aside I'll get into detail about how to navigate to each of these points of interest quickly, easily, and safely. As you port up to sky (If you are useing Teleport-sky you will pad up to an area by either Kirin or Mother Globe entrances) you'll find yourself at the "Start" area. ALL mobs in sky aggro magic with the exception of Birds in Ru'Aun Gardens. Failing to bring Silent oil or Monomi Ichi for Ninja or /ninjas can and 99% of the time, will result in death. The only mobs in sky that aggro sight are the "Enkidu" and "Aura Statue" they will also aggro magic, however, they fall into the same category as birds in Ru'Aun Gardens as they do not aggro to sound.

Back to "Start"... so as you enter sky take note that Groundskeepers in front of blue walls will aggro if you get close enough to them. For this very reason it is important to stay as far away from the walls as possible, following the middle path towards Despot and huging walls while traveling on islands.

Points marked as "Steam Cleaner Entrances" are also known as their respective entrances for "Island-door" an Example would be Island 1 - door 2 (1-2) Island 2 door 2 (2-2) so on and so forth.

Note: Islands are counted counter-clockwise.

Curtana entrances marked on the map for areas to obtain the item "Curtana" to pop Brigandish Blade for 1/2 of a Suzaku. "Curtana" is obtained from "???" behind unmarked doors in the basements.

Faust / Byakko/ Diorite / TCN (The Celestial Nexus)- This entrance is from under the stairs via the middle of island 2.

It is important to mark your own map with the same markers I have marked, useing alot less since it only allows a certain number on your FFXI map. Useing whatever abbreviations suit you in remembering what that area is for.

Now lets test what knowledge you have obtained from reading this. Zipacna spawns inside entrances 2-2 and 3-1. I'll let you mark where those are.

More to come later for the inside of Ru'Avitau and Ve'lugannon Palace on how to get to areas like Mother Globe, Faust and how to pull Steam Cleaner.